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The Element of Earth relates to Late Summer and the place we return to at the end of each season. Mother Earth gives us the support, grounding, nourishment and unconditional love that we need to grow and flourish. It is a time for you to return home to yourself, find your 'centre' and nurture yourself for peace, harmony, contentment.

This 2.5 hour Self-Care Workshop is designed to help you reset your Earth Element and return to your centre. Let go of worry, anxiety, over-care for others and neediness and ground yourself in Mother Earth’s loving arms to feel supported, nurtured and calm.

  • Experience a transformative Qigong practice for balancing the Earth Element.

  • Learn a short Qigong routine for the Earth Element that you can use at home.

  • Enjoy a beautiful guided meditation for connecting with your Earth Element - coming back to your centre to feel calm and balanced.

  • Learn acupressure and energy medicine techniques for the stomach and spleen to calm anxiety and stop rescuing and over-caring for others.

  • Learn about the herbs and essential oils and foods that support and nourish the Earth Element.

  • Develop your own Earth Element ‘Self-Care’ strategy to keep yourself inspired and balanced.

  • Work with the crystals that support the Earth Element and identify ways they can help you. Take home your favourite crystal

What is Qigong?

Qi (chi) + gong (work) is exercise for your energy body. It is a form of ‘moving meditation’ that combines gentle flowing movements designed to ‘stretch’ the energy channels and promote the healthy and balanced flow of energy throughout the body. Classes combine acupressure, standing postures and slow flowing movements with mindfulness practice and breath-work. It is easy to learn and the benefits can be felt immediately.